Maintaining your home regularly will increase the longevity of your HVAC equipment and decrease the risk of fires in your home. Our fully-trained technicians know what to look for and will help you optimize your home efficiency.
Initial Home Inspection
Our technicians will provide a home inspection, document everything with photos and put together a service plan for you.
Year-round Home Services
We will come out to your home with regularly scheduled repairs or tasks to help you maintain your home.
Our Home Maintenance Checklist
Replace Furnace Filters
Wash Outside of Home
Repair or Replace Damaged Window Screens
Put Down New Mulch
Inspect & Replace Caulk Lines (Bathroom and Kitchen)
Replace Furnace Filters
Clean and Stain Decks
Remove Lint from Dryer Vents
Tighten Ceiling Fan Blade Mounting Screws
Replace Furnace Filters
Clean Gutters
Check Weather Stripping (Doors and Windows)
Clean/Service Furnace or Boiler
Replace Furnace Filters
Prune Trees and Shrubs
Clean Bathroom Exhaust Fans
Tighten Door Hinge Screws
Clean Refrigerator Condenser Coils
Check Smoke and CO Detectors Are Working
Test GFCI Outlets/Breakers
Check Vanities and Sink Base for Water Leaks
Ensure Main Water Shutoff Functions as Expected
Inspect Crwalspace for Any Water or Structural Issues
Inspect and Clean Fireplace and Chimney
Flush Sediment Out of Water Heater
Test Basement/Crawlspace Sump Pump Operation
Home Perimeter Walk - Checking for Foundation Cracks, Siding Issues, Holes Around Pipes, and Downspout Issues
Ensure Fire Extinguisher is Accessible and Pressure Guage Is In Operable Range
*Items not covered which might need maintenance depending on your home & equipment: water softener, sprinkler system, pool, hot tub, septic systems, or well.
Our home maintenance services are a one-stop-shop for everything you need to improve your home's airflow. This includes home cleaning services. The air being circulated in your home starts from your common areas.